
Detox for the mind and soul

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Just like the body needs a detox to remove toxins and waste, the mind needs a ‘spring clean’ to give it a fresh start. Mwereti Kanjo asks psychologist Sandra Mapemba on how we can cleanse the mind in this new year in readiness for a fresh take on life.


New Year’s resolutions will often fail because of bad emotions and experiences from our past which can keep us stuck with the same old thought, way of life and regrets. As a result, we remain on the same page year after year. Simply put, we are stuck in a rut because mentally, we refuse to move on.

Change can only be possible when you have cleansed your consciousness. When you clear all you past beliefs, emotions, assumption about life and behaviours that have always defined you, you will be able to live a new and better life, call it the 2011 version of yourself.  

According to Sandra Mapemba, a psychologist, our body, mind and soul are connected in our daily life. Moving on requires a full body detox. This simply means you detox your mind of all the emotional baggage, and detox the soul to attain a peace of mind.

She defines detoxification as a process to eliminate all the harmful toxins that have accumulated inside the body. For most people, emotional baggage is the least area of focus. Many people spend too little time on pondering about the spiritual aspect of their life.

Most are busy with day to day routines such as looking for ways to pay bills. They have forgotten their directions, their dreams, and their souls.  Therefore, before you can move forward, you need a full body, mind, and spirit detox.

“One of the key things needed to move forward is the ability to focus on what is most important or what appears to be the priority. The mind must be clear about what it needs to focus on. If you do not focus on what is most important; then you are unable to recognise the progress. Secondly, visualise success. By doing so, you will be inspired to seek greater achievements in life. There must be an inner desire which enables you to see success.

“Sometimes, life will give you a blow that may cause us to become stuck or unmotivated. Often individuals curl up and throw in the towel. This becomes their reference point for not moving on. People should recognise their reference point, accept that it happened, make a decision to move forward and stick to this decision instead of giving in. Remember, deal with one issue at a time,” advises Mapemba.

Esnat Majeza, one of our Blantyre-based readers, says a person cannot be in two places at once. Similarly, one cannot expect to move forward when they are emotionally stuck in the past. One must seek forgiveness if they feel guilt is standing in their way. Forgive others if it’s a grudge that is keeping you back.

“Some of these things are not easy but they have to be done; it is a fact of life. We must leave all the negatives behind if we want new things to come our way,” Majeza points out.

So, let go of all the negativity and those old notions that keep you stuck in the mud this year. Look at yourself objectively and accept the challenge of starting afresh, as a new and improved version of yourself.

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